The white moon cycle
The New Moon has arrived and for some that means the start of their menstrual cycle as well. Because new beginnings and all…
So if you have begun the start of your menstruation phase (same girl, same), then you my friend are on whats called the White Moon Cycle. This means you are synced with the New Moon lunar phase.
What does the White Moon Cycle even mean? As we have established, this is when you begin your menstruation phase (first day you bleed) and you ovulate on or around the Full Moon. Women who are on this cycle are considered to be in their “Mothering” phase. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are in a mothering, caregiver role. This can also mean you are using your energy to rest, reset, and replenish your self (aka mothering your energy and body). It is believed that you are connected to the energies of Mother Earth, meaning that you are in a fertile, creative, and nurturing time of your life. With that said the White Moon Cycle isn’t just about taking care of others but also caring for YOU and is your bodies gentle (or for some not so gentle) reminder to turn your focus inward as well.
This nurturing energy is also a great time to reevaluate your intentions and set new goals.
When we menstruate in alignment with the new moon, we are thought to be in a nurturing, maternal stage of life. This could be literal in terms of giving birth and mothering children, but if you're on a white moon cycle, it could also indicate that you're in a stage of creation –- nourishing ideas, projects, dreams, or other endeavors. "This can mean that you are in a time in your life that you are either nurturing a family or starting one, or in a caregiver role in some way in your life," Rebecca Rankin, a yoga teacher, reiki master, and holistic hormone health practitioner.
Harnessing the power of the White moon
Set Intentions
The New Moon signifies the start of a new cycle; It’s time to formulate new intentions and re-evaluate existing ones. An intention is a a guiding principle in which you live by. Your intentions should define how you want to feel, the things you would like to experience, and the personal qualities and strengths you would like to embody. Think about the life you want to live and the core values you want in your life. Write this in the present tense and in a positive form as if you are already living that life. This helps you focus on how you feel while you are essentially day dreaming about your perfect life. Remember these intentions should align with your authentic self.
Let That Shit Go
Release all the mess that does not serve you or the life you are trying to create. That negative self talk, let it go. The new moon and menstruation have an out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new type of energy and we should keep that energy going when thinking of all the things we want to let go of. Ask yourself "To make room for more of what I want, what am I ready to let go of?" Reciting the affirmation "I shed old habits that no longer serve me, and I listen deeply to my intuition" can also be supportive during a new moon bleed.
Double Down On Self Care
Naturally energy levels tend to wane during this time of menstruation, due to hormone levels being at their lowest. Rather than fighting it, lean into it. With the New Moon also being at it’s lowest energy now is the time to rest and give yourself plenty of space to connect to YOU. Now is not the time to do a strenuous work out but if you want to keep some movement going in your body consider a gentle walk out in nature, if you’’re up to it, or a restorative yoga routine. Other ways to take some extra care of yourself is to take a NEW MOON BATH, get a massage, or meditate and journal.
Honor Your White Moon Cycle
You can honor your white moon cycle by aligning your circadian rhythm, moon bathing, or celebrating your time of ovulation during the full moon phase. What does all this mean?
By aligning your circadian rhythm you are connecting with the natural light around you, rather than the artificial lights from our smartphones, computers and TVs. So the first step in aligning your circadian rhythm is to minimize as much as possible our exposure to the artificial light. Open your blinds during the day time and let all the natural light your home/office has to offer, flow in. At night keep lights dim and soft. Change your smartphone light to the ambient light setting at night so when you are mindlessly catching up on your social media you don’t have that blue glare messing with your eyes. Better yet instead of reaching for the phone or tv remote pick up a book and do a little reading under soft light.
Moon Bathing refers to going out side under the moon light and just sitting and soaking in all the moons light has to give. This is thought to be hormonally beneficial to women.
Celebrate your ovulation during the full moon. Because you are on the White Moon Cycle you are ovulating during the Full Moon Phase. This is a time when your energy levels are at its peak due to the rise in estrogen levels. The full moon also has an energy of fertility. So when you pair that with ovulation, that energy is magnified, making this a great time to tap into your creativity and be seen and social. Because the full moon is associated with fertility and fruition you will want to take notice of the intentions you set during the New Moon and celebrate all that you've created over the last couple of weeks and reflect on what else you want to release and what you want to expand during the remainder of the cycle.
So if you are on the White Moon Cycle like me remember to spend this time caring for yourself, protect your energy at all costs and turn inward for the week. As for me I’ll be hibernating with my favorite snacks, reaching for my moon body butter and setting my intentions from the comfort of my own bed ✌🏻